EB 2013. 2013.04.20-24 Boston Convention Center | |
관리자2017-04-12 | 페이스북 트위터 구글플러스 이메일 프린트 |
1. Yoon JJ, Lee YJ, Lee SM, Lee YP, Kim DH, Lee B, Kang DG, Lee HS. Oryeongsan improves diabetes-associated renal proliferation and fibrosis in cultured rat mesangial cells.
2. Kho JH, Kim HY, Kwon OJ, Tan R, Cho KW, Kang DG, Lee HS Effects of Oryeongsan improved vascular relaxation in hypertension models.
3. Kho MC, Lee YJ, Ahn YM, Choi YH, Kim AY, Kang DG, Lee HS Effect of ethanol extract of Gastrodia elata Blume on high-fructose induced metabolic syndrome.
4. Lee SM, Lee YJ, Yoon JJ, Li B, Lee YP, Kim DH, Kang DG, Lee HS Effect of Poria cocos on hypertonic stress-induced water channel expression and apoptosis in renal collecting duct cells.
5. Kim HY, Kwon OJ, Kho JH, Tan R, Cho KW, Kang DG, Lee HS Ursolic acid potentiates muscarinic receptor-induced ANP secretion in perfused beating rat atria.
6. Kwon OJ, Kim HY, Kho JH, Tan R, Cho KW, Kang DG, Lee HS. A herbal medicine decoction, Sibjotang, increase ANP secretion. |